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We were well within our gross limitations so we were soon burning down the runway, taking off.Lisa spent a great deal of the flight's seven hours quizzing me on the aircraft, its characteristics, and what to do in emergencies. She said, "See, John bombarded you so much last week you ended up with a fourteen to fifteen hour lesson. You won't get this much flight time during the school. You should still take it, but you'll be ahead of the curve."The trip ended up being just a few minutes shorter than our original flight to Berlin. We arrived in Paris a little after five our time, and eleven at night there. French customs was a long drawn out affair that required a lot of waiting and a lot of patience. The band had been personally cleared and had gone on to the hotel. We had to stay to have the airplane inspected, and the inspectors almost took our guitars apart.We finally made it to the hotel near one in the morning, still early on our body clocks. The band had a banquet room again and. "Boring is nice." That's what my friends back in Philly like to say. Anyways, I went hiking one day and about 1 hr, and maybe about 1 1/2 mile into this thick, cute white girl passed me. She didn't make eye contact like most White women when they come across a Black man. I didn't pay much mind, and we both continued on our trek but I did notice those huge titties she had. They were nice looking. Once I reached my 1 mile mark I turned around to head back. Once I reach I reach the car thoughts of of my brief encounter with the buxom, blonde haired beauty left me. I more focused on stretching well, and what I was going to each for lunch. "Hey", I heard a woman's voice. Well what do you know? It was her, and I was completely baffled because as stated earlier, "White women do not approach Black men." Especially me!. We exchanged cellphone numbers after we talked about how beautiful Nashville's parks are, and how anti-social society has become. Shared a few laughs, and info about each.
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